- As a trusted consultant for the Energize CT initiative, JKMuir completed a scoping study level comprehensive facility energy evaluation at the Stamford Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF). As part of the evaluation, JKMuir identified cost-effective energy conservation measures for building systems, process systems and equipment to reduce the facility’s operational costs.
- JKMuir’s comprehensive energy evaluation documented current energy usage at the facility, identified opportunities for low cost or no cost operational improvements that will provide energy savings, and identified energy conservation measures that can provide long term savings and return on investment. JKMuir conducted two site visits at the facility to collect spot readings of flow, pressure and electrical usage of major equipment and systems. The collected data was used to develop energy cost and savings calculations to model the energy and cost savings associated with each identified measure. Project costs were estimated for each measure and used to determine a simple payback for each identified potential improvement.