JKMuir provided construction oversight and commissioning for the new Francis T. Patnaude Inter-Municipal Pumping Station for the City of Middletown, Connecticut. The 26 MGD pump station was constructed to replace the outdated wastewater treatment plant and transfer flow to a nearby facility, regionalizing wastewater treatment in the area.
Throughout the construction of the $26M pump station, JKMuir worked in tandem with the City and engineering firms to commission the equipment, including the wet and dry weather pumps, mechanical bar screens, wash press, vortex grit system, odor control, HVAC, and associated electrical and instrumentation systems.
The JKMuir team conducted commissioning meetings to ensure project progression and established final commissioning reports documenting the start-up and testing of major system processes. With experience in process control and efficient equipment operation for wastewater pumping stations, JKMuir assisted in optimizing the systems during start-up and commissioning for effective long-term operation.
JKMuir effectivly coordinated with various stakeholders during construction, including the design firm, construction manager, the City, general contractor and subcontractors to successfully start-up the pumping and building systems, including process monitoring and instrumentation.
In addition, JKMuir’s expertise in funding allowed for the preparation and submission of energy efficiency incentive applications to local electric utility, Eversource. Incentive funding of over $150,000 was awarded for process and HVAC efficiency measures.