JKMuir completed a comprehensive evaluation of the energy impacts resulting from the proposed upgrades to the Hull Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) Facility and Resiliency Plan.
Upgrades were proposed with a goal to improve the energy efficiency of the equipment and unit processes, so that the plant’s energy consumption was optimized when operating under conditions of increased flowrates, following scale-up of the plant. A qualitative and comparative analysis of energy consumption was performed by JKMuir for the existing unit processes and for the proposed unit process upgrades, in order to determine the anticipated impact on the plant’s energy usage. The expected energy impacts were determined by JKMuir based on the equipment age and horsepower (HP), as well as dynamic head requirements. The unit process upgrades that underwent an energy consumption evaluation were the Grit System, Influent Pump Station, Aeration Tanks, RAS, WAS and Scum Pumps, Effluent Pump Station, Disinfection System, Sludge Thickening System, Plant Water System and Odor Control System. JKMuir also investigated potential funding sources, including local, state, federal and private entities and provided a detailed recommendation for potential energy and resiliency funding and financing opportunities that were the most feasible for the participation of Hull WPCF.